USDZConvert crash Python

I have used usdzconvert in the past and have never had issues until this morning after I upgraded to latest MacOS Catalina Beta 5 (installation took forever like 10+ hours).

I am not sure what I did wrong, but during the MacOS install, I might have restarted my MacBook Pro a few times, because I thought it was frozen.

Anyhow, I am now getting below:

bash-3.2$  usdzconvert

------------------------ 'Python' is dying ------------------------
Python crashed. FATAL ERROR: Failed axiom: ' Py_IsInitialized() '
in operator() at line 148 of /USD/pxr/base/lib/tf/pyTracing.cpp

The stack can be found in
Abort trap: 6

This is similar to what I had before, when compiling my own Pixar USD, and I use brew etc, and changing path, and ended up with something like above.

Anyways, I don't know how to fix this 😟


Also ....

------------------------ 'Python' is dying ------------------------
Python crashed. FATAL ERROR: Failed axiom: ' Py_IsInitialized() '
in operator() at line 148 of /USD/pxr/base/lib/tf/pyTracing.cpp

The stack can be found in
Abort trap: 6


Somewhat related:

bash-3.2$ /usr/local/bin/python /Users/jimmygunawan/usdpython/samples/

------------------------ 'Python' is dying ------------------------

Python crashed. FATAL ERROR: Failed axiom: ' Py_IsInitialized() '

in operator() at line 148 of /USD/pxr/base/lib/tf/pyTracing.cpp

The stack can be found in



Abort trap: 6

bash-3.2$ echo $PATH


bash-3.2$ echo $PYTHONPATH


bash-3.2$ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/python


bash-3.2$ which python


bash-3.2$ usdzconvert

usdzconvert 0.59

usage: usdzconvert inputFile [outputFile]

[-h] [-f file] [-v]

[-url url]

[-copyright copyright]


[-m materialName] [-texCoordSet name]

[-diffuseColor r,g,b]

[-diffuseColor <file> fr,fg,fb]

[-normal x,y,z]

[-normal <file> fx,fy,fz

[-emissiveColor r,g,b]

[-emissiveColor <file> fr,fb,fg]

[-metallic c]

[-metallic ch <file> fc]

[-roughness c]

[-roughness ch <file> fc]

[-occlusion c]

[-occlusion ch <file> fc]

[-opacity c]

[-opacity ch <file> fc]

[-clearcoat c]

[-clearcoat ch <file> fc]

[-clearcoatRoughness c]

[-clearcoatRoughness ch <file> fc]