Is 15 minutes the maximum length of a track for MusicKit JS?

I am currently developing a classical music player using MusicKit JS. It's almost ready, but in recent tests I've found out that tracks suddenly stop playing at the 15 minutes mark. This track length is not unusual at all in classical music (and I can think of some very long Pink Floyd songs as examples in another genre).
I can see in the browser console the following error, which I believe is related to DRM:

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'update' on 'MediaKeySession': Rejected with system code (44)
What am I supposed to do? Re-authenticate the user doesn't do any effect. I haven't tried to re-authenticate users before the 15 minutes mark, but I must confess that I find that solution quite non-sensical.
Any ideas?
Cheers 🙂


I'm also having this issue. Detailed on github: