NEDNSProxyProvider app store review issues

The situation:

10 days ago we submitted an app based on NEDNSProxyProvider for review and we hit a wall.

We provided a full app description with features and requirements, detailed instructions about the configuration needed and the .mobileconfig file necessary for the proper app configuration on a supervised device.

After 5 days of silence, we received a complete nonsense rejection:

Upon further review, we found that your app does not comply with the following guidelines:
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started your beta app's review, but we were unable to successfully access all or part of your app.
- Provide a Configuration/MDM profile
In order for us to continue the review, you will still need to provide a functional demo account that gives us access to all parts of your beta app so that we may fully review its content, features, and functionality. If your beta app is restricted to a specific location, you will still need to provide a whitelisted demo account that gives us access to your beta app. Note that providing a demo video showing your beta app in use is not enough for us to continue the review.

after this, we resubmitted all the info and the files and we re-phrased the app description highlighting the necessity to have a supervised device and a .mobileconfig installed in the device using Apple Configurator 2 or an MDM.

It's complete silence from 3 days.

I'm suspecting that the guys supposed to review the apps are not very prepared for this kind of apps/environment.

Anyone had a similar experience or submitted successfully a network extension? anyone with any insight or suggestion on how to proceed?