How to obtain catalogId from LibraryAlbum object?

When I query the user albums endpoint at

, I receive a payload that looks like this:
    "id": "l.w20TAGz",
    "type": "library-albums",
    "href": "/v1/me/library/albums/l.w20TAGz",
    "attributes": {
        "trackCount": 12,
        "artistName": "Tyler, The Creator",
        "playParams": {
            "id": "l.w20TAGz",
            "kind": "album",
            "isLibrary": true
        "artwork": {
            "width": 1200,
            "height": 1200,
            "url": "{w}x{h}bb.jpeg"
        "name": "IGOR"
    "relationships": {
        "artists": {
            "data": [{
                "id": "r.5ex3i5i",
                "type": "library-artists",
                "href": "/v1/me/library/artists/r.5ex3i5i",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "Tyler, The Creator"
            "href": "/v1/me/library/albums/l.w20TAGz/artists"

When I was querying for songs, I was able to see `catalogId` in `attributes.playParams` but for some reason that is not available for user albums.

I'm looking to get catalog listings for all albums a user follows/saves.

Any easy way to do this?