Custom menu actions

I've added a custom menu "Statistics" to my app menu. I know the actions for its items can be placed in the AppDelegate file. But if possible I'd like to put these actions in a separate file, to simplify things. Can I add a new file to my project that will let me connect my custom menu items to the actions defined within it?


I put most of the menu Actions in AppController

A simple thing to do is to have the IBAction just call the function that you define in the other file.

    @IBAction func someFunction(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
          someFunction()          // Defined where you want

What class does AppController inherit from?

Inherits from NSObject

class AppController: NSObject {


In AppDelegate, create

@IBOutlet weak var appController: AppController!

connected to an ObjectController in MainMenu.xib

To call


Did this solve your problem ?

Note: one of your posts has been moved to Core OS / Files and Storage. Have a look to see if solution worked.