Xcode automatic signing creates wildcard app ID instead of the explicit ID

i have 2 accounts 1 is free account and the other one just ott enrolled a week ago, before i enroll both where working ok just 1 day after i paid and enroll for one of them Xcode started creating only wildcard ID in the apple portal instead of the explicit ID and only one for all the proyects for that account, the other account (the free account) still working good and Xcode creates the rigth explicit app ID for every proyect), does any one has the same problem or know how to fix it?. I contacted Apple Support, the answer was they only provide administrative level support.

Any help would be apreciated, thanks.


What version Xcode are you working with?

Auto created wildcards are normal, otherwise. See https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2250/_index.html

From that link:

Defining a Bundle Identifier in Xcode that is compatible with your App ID

The Bundle Identifier setting on your app's Xcode Project must be compatible with the App ID associated with your Provisioning Profile. To define the Bundle Identifier in your Xcode project, choose the Xcode "View" menu > Navigators > "Project" option, then select your root project folder in the upper left corner. The Project Editor will appear in the center pane. Select your target in the "TARGETS" section, then click the "Info" tab. Enter your bundle identifier in the "Bundle identifier" field. If a wildcard asterisk character is present in your App ID, replace the asterisk with an appropriate string using reverse-DNS format for the Bundle Identifier defined on your Xcode project.

Here are some example App IDs and compatible corresponding Bundle Identifier values defined in Xcode:

  • If your App ID is A1B2C3D4E5.com.domainname.applicationname enter com.domainname.applicationname as your Bundle Identifier.
  • If your App ID is A1B2C3D4E5.com.domainname.* enter com.domainname.ichosethisappname as your Bundle Identifier.
  • If your App ID is A1B2C3D4E5.* enter any string you like using reverse-DNS format as your Bundle Identifier.

About those two accounts...did you use the same Apple ID for both?

I had a similar issue with Xcode using the wildcard ID instead of the explicit ID. To resolve it, I deleted all the provisioning profiles in the following directory:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

Then I re-opened the project in Xcode and it re-downloaded the correct provisioning profile with explicit ID.

Hope that helps.

Unfortunately didn't work in my case, i deleted all the provisional profiles and Xcode creates again the same provisional profile with the wildcard and also creates in the apple portal under IDs.

Thanks for your help anyways, i guess and going to have to do all that manually when the time comes.