Can App Receipt (SKReceiptRefreshRequest) be used for sync of 'Non-Renewing Subscription' between users's devices?

Dear Apple Developer,

We need your clarification about how to deal with sync of 'Non-Renewing Subscription' between users's devices.

Due to Verify receipt documentation, information about 'Non-Renewing Subscription' is stored in receipt.

At the same time, due to documentation, App developer itself is responsible for the sync of 'Non-Renewing Subscription' between users's devices using login mechanism or iCloud.

So the question is - can we use App Receipt (SKReceiptRefreshRequest) for the mechanism of sync of 'Non-Renewing Subscription' between users's devices?

Really appreciate your help.


I believe you can. You will need to decode the receipt either using the Apple servers or OpenSSL.

You can also use the user's key-value file in iCloud. That does not require a log-in.