NSAttributedString text always sticks to bottom with big lineHeight

I'm trying to implement by-design labels coming from Sketch e.g. I need text styles with font size = 19 and line height = 50. So I ended up using `NSAttributedString` with `NSMutableParagraphStyle` but was stopped by problem with text being sticked to bottom of `UILabel`

I've already tried to use `lineHeightMultiple` and `lineSpacing` but those didn't give me the line height I wanted so I ended up using `minimumLineHeight` and `maximumLineHeight` equal the same

Here is my approach to make `NSAttributedString`

    private static func makeAttributedString(
        with attributes: TextAttributes,
        text: String? = nil,
        alignment: NSTextAlignment = .center
    ) -> NSAttributedString {
        let font = UIFont(name: attributes.font.rawValue, size: attributes.fontSize)!

        let paragraph = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
        paragraph.alignment = alignment
        paragraph.paragraphSpacing = attributes.paragraph
        paragraph.minimumLineHeight = attributes.lineHeight // equal 50 in my case
        paragraph.maximumLineHeight = attributes.lineHeight // equal 50 in my case

        let attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey: Any] = [
            NSAttributedStringKey.paragraphStyle: paragraph,
            NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: attributes.textColor,
            NSAttributedStringKey.kern: attributes.kern,
            NSAttributedStringKey.font: font

        return NSAttributedString(string: text ?? "", attributes: attributes)

I expect result similar to design


but actually getting


Note: setting height constraint to 50 is not applicable because I also need multiline labels but there is the same bug with them