Could not find module for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator

The error, Could not find module for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'

hi, I encountered a problem in the development, xcode latest version of the merged framework failed, several versions in succession, did not fix this bug. I use xcode script to execute the build and merge the framework, xcode10.1 is normal, from xcode10 The .1 and later versions until xcode11.0bete3 have this bug.Could not find module for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'

Xcode10.2 started reporting this error. What are the changes to the latest version of xcode merged with the framework? The same framework project runs with xcode10.1, and the script merges the framework is no problem.

My configuration information is as follows:

Build Active Architecture Only NO

Valid Architectures armv7 armv7s arm64 arm64e

I tried to create a framework with xcode10.1 and then run it on the latest version of xcode, but this has another problem:

Module compiled with Swift 4.2.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler


Is it a private framework ?

If so, need to check if it has the 64 bits version. Otherwise, need to ask them.

Reason is that now XCode requires 64 bits versions

Hi, the current project is a new project, the default is 64-bit, all the framework in the project is the following configuration:

Build Active Architecture Only NO

Valid Architectures armv7 armv7s arm64 arm64e

Import the created framwork into a test project, open the project with xcode10.1 and it will run normally.

anyone help me ,thanks

Which deployment target did you select ? IOS 10 ? IOS 11 ?

And I ask again: is it your framework or a third party's ?

May have a look here for more details, if that can help:

Hi, Claude31,

First of all, thank you for your kind help.

I found the reason for the above problem, because the Run Script Framework is not complete.

Missing this sentence:


But now I have found a new problem:

Cannot find interface declaration for 'QRCodeCtrl', superclass of 'CusQRCodeCtrl'

When the archive is executed, an error is reported. Whether the schema is debug or release, it is normal for xcode to execute Run.

I wrote a Test project, CusQRCodeCtrl in the Test project references the QRCodeCtrl in the custom Static Framework.

This Test project and StaticFramework are both Xcode10.2.1, swift version number is swift5.0. or Xcode11.0bete3, swift version number is swift5.0.

QRCodeCtrl has been declared with "open".

And the same way I used xcode10.1 to make that Framework, then use xcode10.1 archive Test project, everything is ok.

Is QRCodeCtrl a class that you defined ?

I cannot find it in docs.


In my case, I have added test target after the pod init, install etc.. And I saw, adding test target block in podfile solved my problem.


target 'SampleProject' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for SampleProject

  target 'SampleProjectTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    # Pods for testing