How to change camera orientation of SCNRenderer

I am showing AR in Landscape. And I used the SCNRenderer to record the AR interface, but the camera's orientation is wrong.

self.renderer = [SCNRenderer rendererWithDevice:nil options:nil];
self.renderer.scene = [self.delegate currentScene];
UIImage *image = [self.renderer snapshotAtTime:time withSize:CGSizeMake(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) antialiasingMode:SCNAntialiasingModeMultisampling4X];

Is there any better way to record the scene?
show in Landscape

record result, it's wrong.


Have you found any solution for this issue? I am facing the same issue with ARKit while using with ARSCNView and SCNRenderer
It looks like the issue is in
Code Block
func snapshot(atTime time: CFTimeInterval, with size: CGSize, antialiasingMode: SCNAntialiasingMode) -> UIImage
when I am trying to create sample buffer, the image this function is returning is in portrait instead of landscape. I also tested the actual ARSCNView contents at the same time by adding break points and its showing everything as expected.

That's what we are expecting

and that's what the output is.
I have the same problem. Any solution?