Is there a way to use `useProtocolCachePolicy` in watchOS?

I'm trying to use

in my watch extension, but every request fails with 'can’t load from network' error.

I have seen the below answer from StackOverflow:

NSURLErrorDomain Code=-2000 "can’t load from network"

but what I want to do is use cached if valid or request policy. The best fit is to use

but it hasn't been implemented.

@constant NSURLRequestReloadRevalidatingCacheData Specifies that the existing cache data may be used provided the origin source confirms its validity, otherwise the URL is loaded from the origin source. Unimplemented.

In iOS, the

works very similarly with

However the requests fail in watchOS with

policy. It worked with
by the way. I'm not making HTTP or HTTPS byte-range request, so it seems like
work as iOS does, but it doesn't.

The only way seems to implement caching manually, but I want to know why it doesn't work and there is any out-of-box option for this issue. Or does Apple have any plan to implement `reloadRevalidatingCacheData` option?