application(open: options:) not being called

Any idea if SwiftUI prevents applications from responding to further calls to application() after an app is up and running? I've a custom document type registered for an iOS test app, and 'opening' the document brings the app into focus as expected, but application(open:options:) never recieves a call to open the document. I'm unsure if there's some new security method in play (google and rtfm have revealed nothing so far), or if SwiftUI apps just never recieve/process that call.



For those who might bump their heads in this, the equivalent functionality gets called in the scenedelegate now due to the separation of appdelegate’s functionality. The equivalent-ish function is scene(_ scene: openURLContexts:). I haven’t researched if it’s possible to ‘opt out’ of this, but for my purposes there’s no reason not to adopt the new behavior

Just wanted to point out, that dispite being filed under "SwiftUI" this applies to non-swiftUI projects as well 🙂

I was confused about why application(_:open:options:) wasn't being called on my regular old UIKit project in accordance to all the old documentation / tutorials I could find. Turns out this was the answer!