Apple Music Web API won't find all songs by their ISRC id

I'm trying to let the user listen to songs by looking up their ISRC id, but the Web API doesn't always gives results, for example it won't find this one "GBAHS1900672" (Ed Sheeran's I Don't Care)

Is there any other way to find songs by their ISRC id other than using the "filter[isrc]" in the url ?

Accepted Reply

There is Ed Sheeran song “I don’t care” with ISRC “GBAHS1900673”. We tried using the search API for this song and found a matching song with the id “1464549844”. This song has the ISRC “GBAHS1900673”. Is this the song you are looking for?


There is Ed Sheeran song “I don’t care” with ISRC “GBAHS1900673”. We tried using the search API for this song and found a matching song with the id “1464549844”. This song has the ISRC “GBAHS1900673”. Is this the song you are looking for?

Sorry for the late response,

Yeah this is the song I was trying to find.. I was trying to transfer my library from a different service into my apple music account and for some reason that other service was giving false isrc ids...

Thank you for the help!