iOS ARKit AVDepthData Returns Enormous Numbers

Hi All. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here, but AVDepthData, which is supposed to be in meters for non-disparity data (front facing camera) is returning HUGE numbers. I have the code...

-(bool)getCurrentFrameDepthBufferIntoBuffer:(ARSession*)session buffer:(BytePtr)buffer width:(int)width height:(int)height bytesPerPixel:(int)bytesPerPixel
    // do we have a current frame
    if (session.currentFrame != nil)
        // do we have a captured image?
        if (session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData != nil)
            // get depth data parameters
            int ciImageWidth = (int)CVPixelBufferGetWidth(session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataMap);
            int ciImageHeight = (int)CVPixelBufferGetHeight(session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataMap);
            // how many bytes per pixel
            int bytesPerPixel;
            if (session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataType == kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat16 ||
                session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataType == kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat16)
                bytesPerPixel = 2;
                bytesPerPixel = 4;
            // copy to passed buffer
            CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataMap, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
            memcpy(buffer, session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataMap, ciImageWidth*ciImageHeight*bytesPerPixel);
            float *floatBuffer = (float*)buffer;
            float maxDepth = 0.0f;
            float minDepth = 0.0f;
            for (int i=0; i < ciImageWidth*ciImageHeight; i++)
                if (floatBuffer[i] > maxDepth)
                    maxDepth = floatBuffer[i];
                if (floatBuffer[i] < minDepth)
                    minDepth = floatBuffer[i];
            NSLog(@"In iOS, max depth is %f min depth is %f", maxDepth, minDepth);
            CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataMap, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
    return true;

But it's returning min and max values like...

2019-06-27 12:32:32.167868+0900 AvatarBuilder[13577:2650159] In iOS, max depth is 3531476501829561451725831270301696000.000000 min depth is -109677129931746407817494761329131520.000000

Which looks nothing like meters.



Check out this sample which you will probably find very useful:

You need to consider the NaN case for values in the depthDataMap, it is likely that many of the values will be NaN. Additionally, in the sample I linked, the histogram throws out any values that are not between 0.0 and 5.0. You can't have negative depth in a depth map, and the sensor will also not give an accurate depth beyond a certain distance, so you should throw out all negative values, and all large values.

Thank you for the reply. I found out my issue here was because my memcpy should have used get base address first, like this...

float *bufferAddress = (float*)CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.depthDataMap);
  memcpy(buffer, bufferAddress, ciImageWidth*ciImageHeight*bytesPerPixel);

But now I seem to be having an issue where face tracking position (this is in unity) is not matching up with the 3d depth data world position after applying the intrinsic matrix. I assume the world position of face tracking and of the 3d point cloud is supposed to match since it's based on the same camera?

Also, I'm noticing that even though session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.cameraCalibrationData.intrinsicMatrix has data that session.currentFrame.capturedDepthData.cameraCalibrationData.intrinsicMatrixReferenceDimensions often does not. Shouldn't they both have data at the same time?

      void FrameUpdate(UnityARCamera cam)
         // get size of camera texture
         UnityARSessionNativeInterface m_session = UnityARSessionNativeInterface.GetARSessionNativeInterface();
         // get size of canvas
         Canvas uiCanvas = FindObjectOfType();
         int panelWidth = (int)uiCanvas.pixelRect.width;
         int panelHeight = (int)uiCanvas.pixelRect.height;
         // if session first frame
         if (!sessionStarted)
             DepthPlugin.GetCurrentFrameCameraTextureSize(m_session.GetNativeSessionPtr(), out textureWidth, out textureHeight);
             Debug.Log("Get camera texture size returned " + textureWidth.ToString() + "," + textureHeight.ToString());
             // create 2d texture for camera texture
             cameraTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
 //            GetComponent().texture = cameraTexture;
             // allocate some memory for a raw texture buffer
             rawBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(textureWidth * textureHeight * 4);
             // flag as started
             sessionStarted = true;
 //        UnityARSessionNativeInterface.ARFrameUpdatedEvent -= FirstFrameUpdate;
         // get texture from camera
         DepthPlugin.GetCurrentFrameCameraTextureIntoBufferAsARGB(m_session.GetNativeSessionPtr(), rawBuffer, textureWidth, textureHeight);
         cameraTexture.LoadRawTextureData(rawBuffer, textureWidth * textureHeight * 4);
         // if we got a depth buffer
         DepthPlugin.GetCurrentFrameDepthBufferSize(m_session.GetNativeSessionPtr(), out depthWidth, out depthHeight, out depthBytesPerPixel);
         Debug.Log("Get depth buffer size returned " + depthWidth.ToString() + "," + depthHeight.ToString() + "bytes per pixel " + depthBytesPerPixel.ToString());
         Matrix4x4 intrinsicMatrix;
         Vector2 intrinsicSize;
         DepthPlugin.GetCurrentFrameIntrinsics(m_session.GetNativeSessionPtr(), out intrinsicMatrix, out intrinsicSize);
         Debug.Log("matrix 2,0 is " + intrinsicMatrix.m02.ToString() + " 2,1 is " + intrinsicMatrix.m12.ToString() + " 0,0 is " + intrinsicMatrix.m00.ToString() + " 1,1 is " + intrinsicMatrix.m11.ToString());
         if (depthWidth > 0 && intrinsicSize.x > 0)
             // allocate buffer
             if (!depthStarted)
                 // create 2d texture for camera texture
                 depthTexture = new Texture2D(depthWidth, depthHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                 GetComponent().texture = depthTexture;
                 // allocate some memory for a raw texture buffer
                 rawDepthBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(depthWidth * depthHeight * depthBytesPerPixel);
             // get updated buffer
             DepthPlugin.GetCurrentFrameDepthBufferIntoBuffer(m_session.GetNativeSessionPtr(), rawDepthBuffer, depthWidth, depthHeight, depthBytesPerPixel);
             // update texture from buffer
             Color[] pixels = depthTexture.GetPixels();
                 float* bufferPointer = (float*)rawDepthBuffer.ToPointer();
                 for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                     pixels[i] = new Vector4(bufferPointer[i], bufferPointer[i], bufferPointer[i], 1.0f);
             // create point cloud first time around
             float minDepth = 0.0f;
             float maxDepth = 0.0f;
             // get intrinsic matrix
             Color[] texturePixels = cameraTexture.GetPixels();
                 // build points
                 pointCloud = new List();
                 colorCloud = new List();
                 float* bufferPointer = (float*)rawDepthBuffer.ToPointer();
                 for (int v = 0; v < depthHeight; v++)
                     for (int u = 0; u < depthWidth; u++)
                         // calculate x, y, z
                         float z = bufferPointer[v*depthWidth+u];
                         if (z < minDepth)
                             minDepth = z;
                         if (z > maxDepth)
                             maxDepth = z;
                         if (z > 0.01f && z < 1.0f)
                             // add point
                             float U = (float)u / (float)depthWidth;
                             float V = (float)v / (float)depthHeight;
                             float x = ((float)U*intrinsicSize.x - intrinsicMatrix.m20) * z / intrinsicMatrix.m00;
                             float y = ((float)V*intrinsicSize.y - intrinsicMatrix.m21) * z / intrinsicMatrix.m11;
                             pointCloud.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));
                             // find color for this UV
                             int textureX = (int)((float)textureWidth * U);
                             int textureY = (int)((float)textureHeight * V);
                             Color thisColor = texturePixels[(textureY * textureWidth) + textureX];
                             colorCloud.Add(new Color(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b));
             Debug.Log("Unity min depth is " + minDepth.ToString() + " max depth is " + maxDepth.ToString());
             pointCloudChanged = true;
             // started getting depth info
             depthStarted = true;

It really feels like there's something fundamental I'm missing here. The images (camera and depth map) are coming back sideways, which is fine, I can rotate them to display in unity, but then I am getting a 3d-point from these and when I render it that is ALSO coming out sideways. Not only sideways, but half of the point cloud seems to be missing...

Am I missing applying some kind of transform to the 3d point to bring everything back to being the right way up and restore the missing half of the point cloud?
