Apple Pay vs In app


I am working on an app and need to determine if i need to implement apple pay or in app purchase.

Here is how the app works. Users have a virtual wallet in the app. I would like to let user to pay real money into the wallet ideally using Apple pay. Once a user has deposited money in their virtual wallet , they can spend such credit to buy real good or service from real stores. As an example a user can pay in 100£ in the app to be use in store A and they will have 100£ credit. User can walk in store A the next day, show his credit and buy for up to 100£ of goods. Would I be able to get payment from user in my app using apple pay? If I need to use in app it is a non starter - I cannot affort the user will lose 30% of their money...

Many thanks


Wallet = Apple Pay= no 30%