Cannot read Fotos Library from external device with MediaLibrary

What is the clou to get access to photos from an external device (Seagate) with MLMediaLibrary Kit ?

What I did:

1. copied Fotos Library from another Mac to external device

2. device was plugged to my developr machine ( Xcode 10.2 on Mac)

3. Open Fotos and change path to Fotos Library

4. Fotos converted data, and after some times I can see all the photos

Then I tried to retrieve data with my app.

It shows the local Fotos Library located under /Pictures..

I think it must be somewhere in the options setting of MLMediaLibrary

NSDictionary *options = @{

MLMediaLoadSourceTypesKey: @(MLMediaSourceTypeImage),

MLMediaLoadIncludeSourcesKey: @[MLMediaSourcePhotosIdentifier,MLMediaSourceiPhotoIdentifier],

MLMediaLoadFoldersKey:@[@"file:///Seagate/Fotos Library"]

// or this ?? : MLMediaLoadFoldersKey:@[@"/Volumes/Seagate/Fotos Library"]


MLMediaLibrary *MmediaLibrary = [[MLMediaLibrary alloc] initWithOptions:options];

Appretiated to get any hint ...