MTKView bgr10a2Unorm Support on macOS

Is MTLPixelFormat.bgr10a2Unorm officially supported on macOS as a MTKView colorPixelFormat?

According to the documentation for MTKView.colorPixelFormat it is not officially supported. However, I have tested it on a few Macs running 10.14.5 and it does work. Therefore, perhaps its omission from the documentation is an oversight. Examining the "Metal 3.0 Feature Set Tables" document shows the bgr10a2Unorm pixel format supports Filter, Color MSAA, Resolve and Blend on all macOS devices. Finally, it would seem to be a peer to the bgra10_xr formats supported for iOS.

I am looking for a fast and memory efficient wide color gamut MTKView pixel format. Of course I can use the rgba16Float format, but I have noticed the bgr10a2Unorm pixel format supports higher frame rates and consumes less memory, while supporting wide gamut color spaces. Sounds like an ideal format for MTKView.

Thanks for any help.