How to download dSYM files

Is there any way to download dSYM files using App store Connect API ?

I cannot find a dSYM file field in the API response.


We're also hoping for this capability. As far as I can tell it's not supported even with the new API updates this year. Would love to be wrong if anyone has found out.
Is there a suggested workaround of how to do this automatically on a CI using fastlanes download_dsyms with a user that has 2FA enabled? Any ideas?
I am also waiting for them to launch this capacity and thus use it with fastlane in my CI

We need this so we don’t have to constantly enter our 2fa code.

That is what the new App Store Connect api should be for but the download dsym method is missing. Please implement this Apple! Automation is key!

Looks like support has been added in version 1.6 on the API. dSYMUrl is now a field on the BuildBundle Attributes