CareKit V2 problem in OCKCalendarWeekView

Environment iOS 13 Beta 2 (iPad & iPhone)

CareKit V2 Beta: commit a82e11b

I’m trying to develop a simple Care Kit App that helps manage multiple different medication doses, each with a different schedule. The App also assists in tracking patient pain.

Initially I am populating a test Store with a simple code based care plan. The OCKDailyPageViewController is set to use OCKSimpleLogTaskViewController, OCKChecklistTaskViewController, OCKSimpleTaskView, and OCKCartesianChartViewController.

I seem to get a hard crash in OCKCalendarWeekView updateRingLabels:

completionRingButtons[i].setTitle(dateFormatter.string(from: date), for: .normal)

A bit of digging around and I find that the OCKSample app included in the beta has the same problem, any suggestions?

A second question:

I need to use a care plan where the Prednisolone dose is reduced each month. Is this an example of where a Task should use multiple versions (any documentation yet) or should it be multiple tasks? Ideally I want a chart that can show pain tracking against Prednisolone adherence over time.

Thank you, Jonathan