What will happen to user id after transferring application?

At ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential, we got the Unique, Stable and team-scoped User ID, which allow us to identify users from different applications under the same developer account.

But, we are also allowed to transfer an app to another developer account.

If it is the case, what will happen to the User ID?

Will the User ID change? Will it be different from the other Apps under the new developer account? Or other changes may occur?

Accepted Reply

>Will the User ID change?

Yes, when an app is transferred across teams, the user ID will change since it is team-scoped.

>Will it be different from the other Apps under the new developer account?

No, it will not be. If the user already has other apps from the new developer, the existing team-scoped ID (of the new developer) will continue to be used.

There will be support provided for migrating / mapping the user identifers from old developer to new developer. A developer guide will be published for this feature.

  • Hello! We experience this change of User ID, which is team-scoped (good to know now)... So now we are wondering how we can map the IDs of the existing users... Any update about the guide?

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>Will the User ID change?

Yes, when an app is transferred across teams, the user ID will change since it is team-scoped.

>Will it be different from the other Apps under the new developer account?

No, it will not be. If the user already has other apps from the new developer, the existing team-scoped ID (of the new developer) will continue to be used.

There will be support provided for migrating / mapping the user identifers from old developer to new developer. A developer guide will be published for this feature.

  • Hello! We experience this change of User ID, which is team-scoped (good to know now)... So now we are wondering how we can map the IDs of the existing users... Any update about the guide?

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>There will be support provided for migrating / mapping the user identifers from old developer to new developer. A developer guide will be published for this feature.

Any progress? Is the guide ready?