How do I find out if a payment for a non-renewing subscription has been refunded by Apple?

Everything I've found points to this not being possible, however, I don't want to give up on something so obvious (and necessary for accounting purposes). I know that Apple won't give me customer details or details of why the refund was given, but all I need is confirmation of whether or not the transaction, which I already have the details of, has been refunded. I have tried getting "receipt-data" for all the relevant payments and have found nothing ("cancellation_date" doesn't seem to be set in the "in_app" or "latest_receipt_info" lists), although the Apple console shows that there have been refunds.


You need to get the app user (the one who is most likely no longer using the app since they asked for a refund) to refresh the receipt and send you a refreshed receipt. (I don't think that just adding a transaction observer will result in a call to updateTransactions with a new receipt since there is no 'new transaction' to queue.) That refreshed receipt will contain a cancellation_date. Unlike autorenewable subscriptions, you cannot send an earlier receipt and expect to receive the latest_receipt_info for non-renewing subscriptions.

Thanks, that's what I feared but couldn't believe Apple would be so stupid. Should have known better!