HLS Live CoreMediaErrorDomain

we are testing an HLS streaming channel for LIVE EVENT.

during a bandwidth throttling we observe we get continus buffering due to a wrong bit-rate estimation,

in the end, the player requests the higher level.

Using AVPlayerItemErrorLog we get the following error:

Optional("Optional(<AVPlayerItemErrorLog: 0x2800fdf60>\n#Version: 1.0\n#Software: AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 12_2 like Mac OS X; it_it)\n#Date: 2019/06/13 17:13:51.051\n#Fields: date time uri cs-guid s-ip status domain comment cs-iftype

\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 ******/Channel(ch01lab)/Stream(02)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 *****/Stream(01)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 ******/Stream(03)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 ******/Stream(04)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:48.048 ******/Stream(05)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:48.048 ******/Stream(06)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n)")

I use the validator tools, and the playlist has no relevant issue.

Can I get further information about this message error code?