transaction_id with order details remain same when user resubscribe after refund


Does any one experience the below behavour and confirm whether this is the expected behaviour.

1) User purchased the inapp subscription(transaction_id=tid1) and expiry date = 1 year

2) User canceled the subscription(refund) and the order details for transaction_id=tid1 set with cancelation_date=date in which got canceled.

3) After x days user resubscribed. In the receipt order, we see the same transaction_id=tid1 , expiration date remain same(1 year as shown in step 1), no cancelation date and ar become true.

We thought that the apple will create new transaction_id when user subscribes again after refund(Cancel)

Thanks in Advance,



I am seeing the same behaviour, 2 months after a refund was issued through CUSTOMER_SUPPORT, the auto_renew_status field of the receipt flipped to 1 again, no cancellation_date appeared anymore and the expiration date remained the same.

Is there a possibility the user was able to cancel the refund somehow?
