Submitting for External Testing after App Store Review approval

I have my version of the app already approved for the App Store and released for my customers. Now I want to invite some of the external testers to test this version. Can I use the already reviwed build in this case? Is there any impact on App Store version?

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You'd need to ask support how they feel about asking app review to re-review the same build, I think.

And since you can only have one build in the store at a time, I can't imagine that even if app review double-dipped it would have an effect on itself.

Woe to you if, say, a different reviewer should suddenly find something to flag, and ban your account, etc. in the process...

Have to admit I don't really see why anyone would want to load up review like that and stick their neck back in the noose again, tho. Seems completely pointless and just a way to harass the system.


Is your intention for that testing to remain inside the TF sphere, or do you just want to give them free access to the store version? If the latter, just use redeem codes.