Problem using the

Got an iMac 2017 with 3,12 TB Fusion-Drive...

Have a large Collection of Audiobooks. More than 3 TB... so, if i start the, macOS 10.15 imported all of my Audiobooks from iTunes ( there the Audiobooks stay on an external NAS.. to the local Fusiondrive insider /Users/Library/Containers/com... BKAgent../Documents/Books...

Result.. my Drive is full.

No Option to change the Location of the Library of my Audiobooks. Same for the

Music and can setup a Location to save the Files...

Only Option to cange the Volume in is cmd&Cursor down / up with Keyboard.

Any Ideas for my Problems...?


Hm, another Problem, how to use Airplay with

i can only use ONE Output at the same Time... can use Airplay2 (Multiroom) with the same Problems.. (stopps Internetconnection for a few Seconds on Activate)...

No Option to minimize the Window and show the Cover on my Desktop.

Hey Apple, much to do make this to the Final Version.

Any chance that a symbolic link would work?