Push notification


I have implemented Push notification stuffs for my web site and it is working perfectly in Safari browser based on the video provided at https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2013/614/

Objective: I Would like to capture push notification upon receiving it in javascript and do further process.

Case: I have a calendar page. End user schedules appointments from various locations and those details should be popup immediately in that calendar page automatically, instead of sending http request periodically which will affects my server's performance. So once data available i could initiate push notification, when i receive the notification i could send http request and capture the data.

My question is, is there any option to trigger a javascript event upon receiving the push notification ?

For other browsers, we have service-worker.js where we have "Push" eventListener and the function "client.postMessage(data)" will communicate with Browser Tabs.

Please guide me to achieve my objective here.

