iOS SceneKit application faster in App Switcher Mode

I'm encountering a rather bizarre behavior with a SceneKit application that I am developing. I invoke a method which manipulates the

property of various
objects. The method changes the
in a loop which can execute around ~40k times.

I define a


let updateQueue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! +

A button press calls the following:

@objc func didPressGreedy() {
  updateQueue.async {
  let _ = self.Greedy()

And inside the method:

autoreleasepool {
    for offset in stride(from: 0.0, through: planeWidth, by: increment) {
        var topLeftTransform = arkitAnchor!.simdWorldTransform * HelperMethods.makeTranslationMatrix(tx: -Float(planeWidth / 2), ty: 0.0, tz: -Float(planeHeight/2))
        topLeftTransform = topLeftTransform * HelperMethods.makeTranslationMatrix(tx: Float(offset), ty: 0.0, tz: 0.0)
        let topEdgePosition = simd_float3(x: topLeftTransform.columns.3.x, y: topLeftTransform.columns.3.y, z: topLeftTransform.columns.3.z)
        saLabelComponent.simdWorldPosition = topEdgePosition

        let oldSpriteTransform = sprite.simdWorldTransform

        for xOffset in stride(from:-0.20, through: 0.20, by: increment) {
            for yOffset in stride(from: 0.05, through: 0.20, by: increment) {
                LOOP_1_ITERATIONS += 1
                var newSpriteTransform = anchor.simdWorldTransform * HelperMethods.makeTranslationMatrix(tx: Float(xOffset), ty: Float(yOffset), tz: 0.0)
                sprite.simdWorldTransform = newSpriteTransform

These iterations are slow - I can sometimes see about a thousand manipulations happen in multiple seconds and then it takes a minute to do 50

updates. If I tap on the screen I can see the executions speed up.

When I use the iOS App Switcher (by just swiping up on the application on iPhone XS and letting it sit in the App Switcher) the application significantly speeds up the execution the iterations by a factor of 10x.

Any idea of why this is caused? If I am having conceptual issues please point to relevant topic/articles.