Inout as Any ?

Can't pass an "inout" parameter as [AnyOnject] ?

I have a func that passes back an array but then set another array as the return, wondering if I can point to that array without the middle man. The type of the in array is determined within the function.


Can't pass an "inout" parameter as [AnyOnject] ?

It would help if you explained your specific problem in more detail. The test code below shows that you can use

, so there’s clearly more to this than you’ve explained.
func test(_ objects: inout [AnyObject]) {
    objects.append("d" as NSString)

var o: [AnyObject] = ["a" as NSString, "b" as NSString, "c" as NSString]
print(o)    // prints: [a, b, c, d]

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Sorry does need a little more info ...

func test(_ toArray: [AnyObject])

test(toArray: myArray as [AnyObject])

"Cannot convert value of type '[MovieItem]' to type '[AnyObject]' in coercion"

var tmp = myArray as [AnyObject]
test(toArray: &tmp)

Works fine but I'm still unclear that tmp is not a reference to the array I want to pass ? (which is a public var)

Works fine but I'm still unclear that

is not a reference to the array I want to pass?

It’s definitely not. The best way to think about

is that it acts like a copy in / out operation (hence the name). You can think of this:
func test(_ a: [Int]) { … }

var b: [Int] = …

as being transformed to:

func test(_ a: [Int]) -> [Int] { … }

var b: [Int] = …
let tmpIn = b
let tmpOut = test(tmpIn)
b = tmpOut

Nowhere does it form a reference to the original value [1].

(which is a public var)

Of type

? Or of type
? The latter is likely to be problem because the function signature of
says that it can put
into the array; there’s no restriction that says it must work on

If you want such a restriction you should use a generic:

func test<Element>(_ toArray: inout [Element]) {

This test that

works on an array of items, but that array is homogenous and the caller gets to specific the exact type.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

[1] Except insofar as used by compiler optimisations.