How to programmatically put app into guided access?

When I run UIAccessibility.requestGuidedAccessSession(_:_:), it always fails. Documentation says that the device must be supervised by MDM. MDM seems to be something that requires a dedicated server. Is that correct? Is there any way I can simply run UIAccessibility.requestGuidedAccessSession(_:_:) on an app without using an MDM server? Can I write code that does MDM in my app?


It seems that documentation is clear:you need MDM to use it, as long as you use public API, which is mandatory to pass the appstore review…

AFAIK, you need a server.

Have a look here on how to set up one:

Yes. I'm wishiful thinking that maybe there is an easier and cheaper way to do it.

I've not looked in details, but are you sure it is expensive ?

No. I’m not sure. If I can do it with Amazon Web services then it would not be expensive.