Setting AVRoutePickerView icon


I have recently implemented an AVRoutePickerView. It is working well, but the icon shows as "Airplay Audio" instead of "Airplay Video"

I would like it to use the "Airplay Video" icon and I cannot figure out how to set it. The closest thing I've found is attempting to set the routePickerButtonStyle but when I do it says "'routePickerButtonStyle' is unavailable".

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


I'm having the same issue. Was wondering if you got this resolved, and how?

I have the same problem, is there any new settings could solve it?

prioritizesVideoDevices = true

Checking back in on this one - has anyone found a solution?

prioritizesVideoDevices = true sorts the device list but doesn't seem to have any impact on button design

For anyone still wondering how to make a custom icon for AVRoutePickerView:

let picker = AVRoutePickerView()
let button = picker.subviews.compactMap { $0 as? UIButton }.first
button?.setImage(UIImage(named: "airplay"), for: .normal) // set custom image
button?.layer.sublayers?.first?.isHidden = true // hides default image