Error 403 Unable to authenticate request / Invalid authentication


Since some weeks now and without any particular reason the Apple Music API is sometimes returning these errors:

  • {"errors":[{"id":"XXXX","title":"Forbidden","detail":"Invalid authentication","status":"403","code":"40300"}]}
  • {"errors":[{"id":"XXXX","title":"Forbidden","detail":"Unable to authenticate request","status":"403","code":"40300"}]}

Funnt fact is sometimes this error happen while I'm using pagination (for example all is good until offset 400...), so I'm sure the authentication is correct.

BUT, if a user revoke the access to the Apple Music API app, the first error occured.

Can you be more specific with these errors and also maybe if they are only temporary, make a different error code than the one when the user revoke the access ?

Thank you for your help, I'm very confused here :/


This suddenly started to happen with me too, a few days ago. Have you been able to find a solution?