ARWorldAlignment behavior

I'm very new to IOS programming, and I'm trying to get familiar with ARKit.

I was playing around with the sample code, and wanted to set the worldAlignment to ARWorldAlignmentGravityAndHeading. Since worldAlignment is a property of ARConfiguration, I thought I would be able to check the value to see if it was set correctly. But every time I got the current value for the current session, the value was ARWorldAlignmentGravity.

It wasn't until I turned on ARSCNDebugOptionShowWorldOrigin that I realized world alignment was being set correctly. I'm just surprised (and frustrated) that the property doesn't reflect the current setting.

Should this be the expected behavior?


It is likely that there is an error in your code, I am unable to repoduce the issue, the running configuration's worldAlignment property is being reported properly to me. If you continue to have trouble with this please submit a technical support incident at