Can't view app reviews

I have been unable to view app reviews , App Store Connect > My Apps > App Name > Activity > Rating and Reviews (iOS App).

I keep getting "There was an error processing your request. Please try again later." in the AppStore Connect website and also the AppStore Connect App.

Anyone facing this issue? I've contacted Apple Support and they asked me to use TSI (Technical Support Incidence) to get this resolved, I don't want to fork out $99 (to buy 2x TSI) to fix this supposedly working system!


What do you mean 'fork out' - your annual paid Developer Program account includes two DTS support tickets. As well, if they determine it's not an issue on your end, they usually revert the incident back to your account. I'm surprised tho, that they would suggest you use that channel...DTS only provides code level support, not account access debugging.

Only if your issue persists would I not put the blame on the backend, which acts out as a routine, tho, so...

In the mean time, which browser are you using to access ASC, and how many different dev accounts do you normally use to log in there?

I'm getting the same error message.

App Store connect has been pretty buggy for about a month now. If the iOS app doesn't work, try the web version. If the dates aren't updated, try to change them to the current date.

I have been facing this issue as well. If i keep clicking between reviews and something else on the page, in the end reviews would start to show sometimes. I reported it to Apple and got incident ID assigned and request to provide screenshots, which I'll be doing today as the problem still persists. Will provide a link to this thread as well to Apple. I have cleared Safari history/cookies and was trying in Chorme as well - same problem.

I have been running into the same issue for the last five days or so. When I asked a coworker to see if his account could access the review page, for the same app, he couldn't either. I did get it to load once in Safari, but as soon as I navigated away and returned to the page, the error message reappeared.