Find Bluetooth keyboard is connected in IOS(Objective C)


I am working on an App where when user clicks on Textbox in "textFieldDidBeginEditing" we are animating the view to top inorder to show keyboard to the user. Similarly in "textFieldDidEndEditing" we are animating to the bottom when keyboard is dismissed.

When Bluetooth keyboard is connected also both of the delegates are getting called, animation happens and shows blank black screen.
To fix this i have used UIKeyboardWillShowNotification,UIKeyboardWillHideNotification to animate my view, it fixes the problem for Bluetooth keyboard whereas when keyboard is not connected there is delay in animation due to which black screen is shown for few seconds.

Is there an way/sample source to find Bluetooth keyboard is connected to the IOS device. My source code is written in Objective -c.

Thanks in Advance,
