INIntent's setImage(, forParameterNamed:) makes app crash in swift 5

I've been using this convenience initializer from iOS 11.0 beta.

@available(iOS 12, *)
extension SpotConditionIntent {
    convenience init(spotId: String, spotName: String) {
        self.spotId = spotId
        self.spotName = spotName
        self.suggestedInvocationPhrase = "\(NSLocalizedString("how_are_waves_text", comment: "How are the waves at")) \(spotName)?"
        if let uiimage = UIImage(named: "check-surf-icon"), let data = uiimage.pngData() {
            let inImage = INImage(imageData: data)
            setImage(inImage, forParameterNamed: \SpotConditionIntent.spotName)

It has been working fine, but it crashes in runtime if I convert this to Swift 5. There was no actual syntax changes though.

> Thread 1: Fatal error: could not demangle key path type from


It pointed the line 11 setImage.

I checked the documentation and I found that there is no `setImage` function in the `INIntent` class.

Can you help me to find out what I should do? It seems I can still use

func keyImage() -> INImage?

which is added in iOS 12, but not sure when/how/why the `setImage` is not there(or deprecated?)


Rather than using the pngData in the initializer, could you try using the INImage(named:, forParamaterNamed:) initalizer instead?

The setImage(_, forParameterNamed:) API is visible in the Objective-C documentation, but not the Swift documentation. I'll follow up on that with our documentation team.