How can I rectify AVDepthData?

How can I rectify the AVDepthData using this function? I haven't been able to find any examples online of how to do the actual rectification process and I'm somewhat at a loss. Any help would be greatfully appreciated.



func lensDistortionPoint(for point: CGPoint, lookupTable: Data, distortionOpticalCenter opticalCenter: CGPoint, imageSize: CGSize) -> CGPoint {
        // The lookup table holds the relative radial magnification for n linearly spaced radii.
        // The first position corresponds to radius = 0
        // The last position corresponds to the largest radius found in the image.
        // Determine the maximum radius.
        let delta_ocx_max = Float(max(opticalCenter.x, imageSize.width  - opticalCenter.x))
        let delta_ocy_max = Float(max(opticalCenter.y, imageSize.height - opticalCenter.y))
        let r_max = sqrt(delta_ocx_max * delta_ocx_max + delta_ocy_max * delta_ocy_max)
        // Determine the vector from the optical center to the given point.
        let v_point_x = Float(point.x - opticalCenter.x)
        let v_point_y = Float(point.y - opticalCenter.y)
        // Determine the radius of the given point.
        let r_point = sqrt(v_point_x * v_point_x + v_point_y * v_point_y)
        // Look up the relative radial magnification to apply in the provided lookup table
        let magnification: Float = lookupTable.withUnsafeBytes { (lookupTableValues: UnsafePointer<Float>) in
            let lookupTableCount = lookupTable.count / MemoryLayout<Float>.size
            if r_point < r_max {
                // Linear interpolation
                let val   = r_point * Float(lookupTableCount - 1) / r_max
                let idx   = Int(val)
                let frac  = val - Float(idx)
                let mag_1 = lookupTableValues[idx]
                let mag_2 = lookupTableValues[idx + 1]
                return (1.0 - frac) * mag_1 + frac * mag_2
            } else {
                return lookupTableValues[lookupTableCount - 1]
        // Apply radial magnification
        let new_v_point_x = v_point_x + magnification * v_point_x
        let new_v_point_y = v_point_y + magnification * v_point_y
        // Construct output
        return CGPoint(x: opticalCenter.x + CGFloat(new_v_point_x), y: opticalCenter.y + CGFloat(new_v_point_y))