Draw vertical (up and out from map) lines from point on map, possible?

I have an unusual use-case where I would like to be able to draw vertical lines up from a map. I will have points deriving from geoTag'd entities, and a stored height and orientation of line (but for this discussion, assume straight "up" for simplicity (angled at a perpendicular to the surface of the globe). I am wanting to pull the MKMapKit back to reveal the globe so there is no need for accuracy of representation of the line resolution, it just needs to show. Kinda like oriented pins on a rounded pincushion.
I have no code to show, as i have not yet been able to find anything like this. I prefer to use MapKit to show the earth properly, but am lost as to how to get started. I continue to search around looking for a hint or clue, to-date, no luck.
Anyone have any ideas? thank you in advance.