iOS Stickers App Distribution ERROR ITMS-90039


Have a problem to submit app to itunesconnect, done before several times with Xcode9 and it was working fine, now I can't find any solution over the web. Can you plase help me.

Its a Sticker Pack App build in Xcode 10, just draged the images and that's it, didn't add anything in plist.


ERROR ITMS-90039: "Type Mismatch. The value for the Info.plist key LSApplicationLaunchProhibited is not of the required type for that key. See the Information Property List Key Reference at"


Did you ever get an answer to this? I'm having the same issue with a distribution build and can't find any resources!

I also submitted many builds through Xcode 9 with no issues like this at all. Same source code and a complete rebuild. Very frustrating!

Same problem.