Error while predicting CoreML model in Swift Playground iPad

I'm trying to make a project of running a GAN model in Swift Playground. I've successfully imported the model to the playground and it runs fine on Mac Playground. As soon as I moved the playground to iPad Playground and ran it, it wouldn't run.

One fact that I discover, that the error comes when the playground is executing `MLModel.prediction(input:)`.

First I suspected that playground in iOS doesn't have enough GPU power to run the model, but after I added options to the `MLModel.prediction(input:options:)`: `MLPredictionOptions().usesCPUOnly` to `true`, the error changed, but still doesn't run correctly.

Here's the playground code:

If I ran it without `MLPredictionOptions().usesCPUOnly`, the error would be `Problem running playground`

and if i set the options to true, the error would be `There was a problem encountered while running this playground. Check your code for mistakes.`

I searched every Apple Developer documentation and didn't find anything helpful.

Hope there's somebody that knows what going on and have the solution or someone that have a certain way to debug things in Swift Playground for iPad since the debugging message is insufficient enough to analyze.
