Difference Between Sales and Trends Units and App Analytics Units?


When I view the number of app units in Sales and Trends, it's different than when I view the number of app units in App Analytics. More specifically the Sales and Trends page shows significantly more units than the App Analytics page. How many downloads does my app actually have? Am I understanding this correctly?

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of John K. Down vote post of John K.



In Sales and Trends, you see app downloads + in-app purchases that were sold, that counts also as units. In App Analytics you see strictly only downloads, that's why you see the difference.

Hi there, we also see different numbers between the Trends and Analytics sections. However, we don't have any IAPs in our app. Any ideas? Thanks.
Same for me. Several app units does not get reported in App Analytics but they are there in Sales and Trends. No IPA or app price set. Very confusing.

I would love to get a bit more clarity on this because if while there is a difference between the two numbers it is not significant enough to be downloads+in-app purchases vs downloads only as per the suggestion above, recognising that the answer was posted years ago.