NSPersistentStore Not Being Created

In our app one of the first things we do on startup is to create the NSPersistentStore via the addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options: method. If this method returns nil, we call abort() because the app cannot function properly without a persistent store. Lately, we've been getting many crash reports that are being caused by this very situation, however we've been unable to reproduce it ourselves. We've tried updating from the last few versions to later versions to see if there was a migration failure or something like that but it did not cause a crash. We've tried simply opening the app time after time after time to see if perhaps it's something that will happen randomly every once in a blue moon but that did not result in a crash either. I've tried opening it with and without data saved in core data but that caused no crash either.

So my question is: what are all of the different reasons why that method might fail to create a persistent store? I've only really known about it failing from a migration failure/ mismatching datamodels.

Ofcourse, any suggestions regarding my specific problem is quite welcome as well.