Custom UI for Lock Screen for Mac OS Mojave


I use a plugin for customizing UI on the login screen. Version of Mac OS: 10.14.3 Mojave.

My plugin is similar to this one by reference.

In older versions of Mac OS, I could use such plugins to customize the lock screen too.

Now the old way to connect the custom plugin on the lock screen does not work.

Moreover, when I use authentication via a smart card on the lock screen, I have a pop-up window with a pincode input field, which I also cannot change by custom plugin.

I have a questions regarding issue described above:

Does the current MAC OS version have the ability to customize the lock screen? If yes, how it could be done? If no, will it be possible in the future versions of the MAC OS?

Is it possible to switch lock screen to username-password instead of PIN-code when smart-card is in?

Thank you in advance.