AudioUnit v3 AUAudioUnit &AudioUnitSetProperty how to set properties for plugin | view synchronization

As per documentation in AudioUnit v3 there is a seamless way to synchronize AUParameters between plugin + viewController.

I would like to synchronize a Midi stream between the plugin and view, however the AUValue (float) value do not allow to pass the midi stream to viewController or observeit.

I wanted to use the




functions to try to use AudioUnitProperties to synchronize the midi stream between plugin and view, however AudioUnitSetProperty takes AudioUnit instance, and I am not seeing any way to obtain AudioUnit from AUAudioUnit instance as per version 3.

OSStatus status = AudioUnitSetProperty(self, AUProperty_Address_userValue, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &data, size);

Is there a way how to use AudioUnitSetProperty, AudioUnitGetProperty, AudioUnitAddPropertyListener together with AUAudioUnit instace from version 3 API?