Change Split View to "normal" segue? iOS (phone) Swift 4.2 and 5

I have a complex iPhone app that I originally created as a Master-Detail (Split View) design, but later changed to "normal" (modal) segue from the Master (initial) view controller to the Detail. This was because another view controller in the hierarchy also needed to segue to the Detail view, which then caused memory issues beause of the way split-views are implemented. As far as I can tell, I changed all necessary code and everything worked fine, with no memory leaks or excessive memory use.

However, with all iOS 12.2 betas on all devices (simulator and physical), using Xcode 10.2 betas, there are hundreds of memory leaks within the app, but mostly in the "Detail" view. I'm suspicious that there might be some residual code "behind the scenes" that's causing the problems. The same app under pre iOS 12.2 versions shows no memory leaks: none, zilch, zip.

Has anyone rejigged a split-view controller and if so were there any memory leak issues?

I have filed a bug report, but I'm still wondering if there's a residual issue with the way I made the change.

UPDATE 14 June 2019: Apple has confirmed that this was a bug, which has been fixed as of iOS 12.4 beta 4 (16G5046d).

Thanks, Michaela


What is the current root controller?

Well, it's getting interestinger and interestinger, as Alice would have said peering into her fogged-up mirror.

I've just run Instruments (Xcode latest beta) for Leaks in two other, less complex, Swift projects - each with UITableViews and UICollectionsViews. Neither started out as SVC. Both showed no leaks running under iOS 12.1.4 on a physical device. Both showed leaks under 12.2 latest beta: the simpler app showed a few dozen leaks, the more complex several hundred. Almost all of the leaks are in Quartzcore or UIKitCore.

Methinks there's a more general problem at play here, so my bug report stands.

>UPDATE 14 June 2019: Apple has confirmed that this was a bug, which has been fixed as of iOS 12.4 beta 4 (16G5046d).

Thanks for the followup on the bug (& b4). Let's hope it doesn't make a return 😉

Good luck w/your app(s).
