Notification Content Extension SpringBoard Error

I am trying to get a Notification Content Extension working in my Xamarin iOS app. I had a Notification Service Extension working fine that added an image. However I can not get the content extension to work.

Everything is built fine. All settings match between the app and the extension. All settings are in info.plist. The target platforms match. The app has a reference to the extension and I have not modified the extension from the default mac template.

I checked the iOS log and this is the relevant error:

SpringBoard [com.mydomain.myapp] No extension available for bundle
SpringBoard [com.mydomain.myapp] Error was encountered trying to find service extension: error=Error Domain=UNErrorDomain Code 1904 "Unknown application"

I've tried deleting and readding the extension. I've tried deleting the app and reinstalling.

Almost all the settings except the info.plist settings are the same as the service extension that worked.

Does anyone know what this error means?




I have created a simple Xamarin Forms test app on a Mac with xcode 10.1. and VS Community 7.8.2. Selected Release Mode. Only code I added was to register for my push notifications. I set the deployment target to 12.1. I unchecked all compiler optimzations except to strip debugger symbols.

I added a Notification Content Extension. Changed no code. Selected Release Mode. Set target to 12.1 (tried others as well). I unchecked all compiler optimzations except to strip debugger symbols. Set Entitlement for push notifications. Set my UNNotificationExtensionCategory.

Sent notification and get same error on iOS.

I got the same problem in an old project. but i new a demo project it can working. I checked all setting ,build setting ,build parse,target deploment,but my old-project still catch the error. the extension not work。

Did you ever find a solution for this problem?
Notification Content Extensions don't currently work in simulators.
Seems like something is wrong with simulator and the Notification Service Extension target. I can't compile for simulator. Xcode 12 beta 6 works fine on my device but when I try to run on simulator I can't compile because of framework search path issues. "Framework not found FirebaseABTesting".