AVURLAsset with self signed certificate

Hi all,

When i try to play a video via AVFoundation API on a server with self signed root certificate(not CA), it doesn't play. It says 'NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1202 "The certificate for this server is invalid."

I've set 'allow arbitary loads' to yes in .plist file. Tried importing this certiifcate to simulator\device. Didn't help.

Also I've tried implementing AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate. Methods of delegate were called only if I custom URL scheme, but it's not clear what to do next. Should I create a new instance of AVURLAsset with 'https' scheme back?

One thing that worked is using a proxy, which changed certificate from self signed root certificate to root certificate auhtority. And then i've imported it to simulator/device. Finaly it worked.

Are there any ways, except of using own CA? Can it work with self signed root certificates?