Can we send simple string at a time of advertise data via bluetooth low energy

I want to check that can we advertise simple string like "ttfgpV5hm8Z4mMlD" at the time of peripheral advertising i'm trying to pass this string into CBUUID string but whenever central scan for peripheral it give error like _C.CBUUID.CreationError.invalidString:

i write down code which i use in peripheral and central.

peripheral side : Peripheral(configuration: configuration, advertisementData: [.localName("Test"), .servicesUUIDs("ttfgpV5hm8Z4mMlD")])

central side : let configuration = try! Configuration(services: [service], advertisement: "ttfgpV5hm8Z4mMlD")

please give me guideline for how to pass simple string at time of scanning and advertising.