XCode server update to Mojave failing.

So I rolled our local build server up to Mojave 10.14.3 and now have a very unhappy XCode server.

The bonjour service isn't announcing it's presence, despite the development Macs seeing the server and being able to reach the Jenkins installation we have on it.

If I turn the server off then on again it frequently hangs turning back on with an 'Unable to reach helper application' message.

Doing a xcrun xcscontrol --restart fails with a launch path error for, I think, xcsnginx.

Kinda a wee bit stumped here. Really don't want to do a xcscontrol --reset and lose all the integrations/archives we have done.

Anyone got any good advice on what to try to coax things back to life?


Okay, managed to get this back again. Further searching showed it was the xcreceipierunner that was crashing. Removing the MacOS Server app, rebooting then kicking the server with an 'xcscontrol --intialize --build-server-user <USER>' (substitute the user account used for your integrations for <USER>) and all came back to life. Thanks to the others who posted about this as I doubt I would have made the connection myself.

Little bit aggrivating that two apple tools are fighting each other like this. But easy to fix once you know.