SceneKit, Debugging, Albedo

Through much trial and error I found that DAE files that are exported from the Mixamo service render properly when I turn on the debug view under a particular option. There is a popup menu in the scene view debug options (Physics, Bounding boxes, Light influences, Light extents, etc). Those options are clear to me, as they provide visual information about the scene. This can be found when you click on the gear icon when you turn on the debug options under the running program. I so wish I could include a picture in this post. It would be so much easier.

Those options can be turned on programmatically under "SCNScenerenderer.showsStatistics"

where sceneView.showsStatistics = true, sceneView.debugOptions = [...]

What is not clear is the popup to the right of this which include view options (Normals, Geometry Normals, Tangents, Bitangents, Albedo, Roughness, Metalness, AmbientOcclusion)

When I turn on "Albedo" the scene is completely viewable, to incluude colors and shading. All of the view options do something but Albedo is the only one that makes the scene visible. I thought those items might be related to either lighting or shading. When I research Albedo, it shows up as physical lighting but I do not know why this is required or how to turn it on programmatically.

1) Why is the scene only viewable when I turn on Albedo

2) How do I turn this on programmatically

3) Can the scene be exported to include this "Albedo" fearure