push notifications (live notifications)

how to check push notifications (live)? any tool available to check push notifications?


You probably need:

Profiles and Logs


and then download and install:

APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) for iOS

If you have specific questions, we might be able to help. If so, then we will need to know:

1. Are you are using a commerical service such as iCloud, Azure, Google, AWS... or are you rolling your own? Commercial providers such as Azure have adequate debugging tools

2. Are you sure that your iOS app has the correct Xcode project configuration?

3. Are you sure that you have the correct developer.apple.com certificates or keys?

4. Are you sure that you have both the sandbox and deployment environments setup at your provider

5. Are you sure that your iOS app has the correct permissions?

6. Are you sure that your iOS app is generating and correctly handling the device token?